Stevens Bryce Entertainment

My mission is to support the development of the whole child, from the inside out. The creative mind thrives in an environment of acceptance and purpose. A space where children feel free to make mistakes, unearthing the gold that comes from stumbling as they are encouraged to focus on the process of discovery. Theatre skills develop critical thinking, collaboration and confidence which produce innovative leaders. Whether onstage, on screen, in the boardroom or in the courtroom, SBE readies you for every performance life has to offer.

Jodi’s Philosophy

I will support and mentor you toward finding your own unique sound. A voice, free of pain and strain, for lifelong vocal health.

Each one of you has your own unique voice. Everyone of you can learn to sing. All you need is the desire and commitment. I will coach you to be your own personal best so you can feel confident sharing your talents with the world. If you are looking toward college auditions, or working toward a career in musical theatre, film, or television, I will help you "get your act together.

Singing and speech work will also build your corporate career. Learning how to command your space and be present in the audition room, class room, board room or court room is a key component to closing any deal.

Reach out and connect, together, let's find empowerment through finding your own voice.

Yes, I'm talking to you.

Besides, it's good for you.