Private Lessons
with Broadway Veteran Jodi Stevens
Jodi has been teaching children and adults of all ages for over 25 years now. Through personal experience, Jodi is an award-winning actor, singer, and speaker who can help take your own theatre or professional career to the next level.
Main Stage Shows & Community Events
Join the SBE community!
Join us for monthly events and semester showcases, our Holiday and Spring Musicals, potlucks, karaoke nights and fundraisers—there’s something for everyone at SBEstudio. Sign up for classes and private lessons now before they fill up.
Custom Small Group lessons also available; inquire within for more details.
Life is a Cabaret
Our adult classes are back with Coaching + Community = Cabaret. Join us on Thursdays this Winter for an 8 class semester and learn “how to tell your story through song” with SBE founder and Broadway veteran, Jodi Stevens.